My First Online Meditation Retreat

How technology has helped us meditate during the Covid19 confinement

My First Online Meditation Retreat

We have been doing an online meditation retreat from the 20th to the 23rd March. This was due to the Covid19 confinement restrictions that forced us to cancel the physical one. This was a new experience for all of us and it was an incredibly good one for me personally.
The meditations and reading of Satsangs at home were very powerful and the general energy of those days too. I felt supported by the group in the sense of having a similar experience as when we are doing the retreat together in Belgium in Koningsteen.
I felt very grateful for this too, in a general sense of gratitude and also individually grateful to the participants, that were making this happen. I am particularly thankful to our head teacher Breeyana who made the preliminary work and stayed a focal point during this special retreat.
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