United Kingdom 79-12
4049 Vistas •United Kingdom 79-30
4222 Vistas •United Kingdom 80-35
2651 Vistas •United Kingdom 79-16
4604 Vistas •United Kingdom 81-5
3438 Vistas •United Kingdom 79-38
3729 Vistas •United Kingdom 79-39
4172 Vistas •United Kingdom 79-32
2022 Vistas •United Kingdom 79-41
3341 Vistas •United Kingdom 79-35
3467 Vistas •United Kingdom 79-18
4093 Vistas •United Kingdom 79-15
4149 Vistas •United Kingdom 80-27
3725 Vistas •United Kingdom 80-37
1991 Vistas •United Kingdom 79-37
4437 Vistas •United Kingdom 79-29
3793 Vistas •United Kingdom 79-31
3781 Vistas •United Kingdom 79-27
2368 Vistas •United Kingdom 80-31
2781 Vistas •United Kingdom 79-40
3177 Vistas •South Africa 76-12
12768 Vistas •South Africa 76-11
12026 Vistas •South Africa 76-06
11455 Vistas •South Africa 76-13
10817 Vistas •United Kingdom 83-4
10499 Vistas •United Kingdom 83-18
10064 Vistas •South Africa 76-15
9754 Vistas •United Kingdom 77-13
9486 Vistas •South Africa 76-01
9440 Vistas •South Africa 76-14
8891 Vistas •United States 80-19
8806 Vistas •United States 80-31
8375 Vistas •United Kingdom 76-12
8140 Vistas •United Kingdom 80-38
8133 Vistas •United Kingdom 83-14
8086 Vistas •United Kingdom 83-23
8075 Vistas •South Africa 76-08
7724 Vistas •United States 79-27
7682 Vistas •South Africa 76-10
7658 Vistas •South Africa 76-03
7151 Vistas •The fear of death
Join Gururaj Ananda Yogi in this enlightening session as he discusses the spiritual perspectives on the process of dying, the nature of the astral body, and the concept of rebirth. Learn about the intricacies of life review at the moment of death, the myth of regression in evolution, and the journey of the soul. This talk offers deep insights into the spiritual dimensions of existence, the nature of consciousness beyond physical form, and the eternal cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. This video was recorded in the UK in 1982. Satsang: UK 82-06 Visit our website: Buy our e-book: Donations:
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