Breeyana Borum 1986 This day that has begun will never end, for the beginning is the ending and the ending is the beginning” Your Preatam For many years I have written diaries, in Danish, of course. I don't really know t... 1986 Gururaj Ananda IFSU Kurser The Hayes UK 11. mar. 2021 0 1713
Breeyana Borum 1987 March 15 I got up at 5. The boys and I took the train from Gare du Midi to Oostende and from there by jetfoil to England. It was the first time in my life. What a pleasant way to travel and the crossi... 1987 Gururaj Ananda IFSU Kurser The Hayes UK 10. mar. 2021 0 1822
Breeyana Borum 1988 March I'm in The Hayes with the boys on the last course held in England, but have not this time written a diary. GURURAJ was very tired throughout the stay. We sang and participated in the Satsangs th... 1988 Gururaj Ananda IFSU Kurser The Hayes UK 9. mar. 2021 0 1681
Lynsey Beauchamp Hvad er meditation? Hvad er meditation? Meditation is a simple and effective way to free ourselves from what can feel like the endless treadmill of thought and action we experience in our daily lives. It opens up space i... 2020 IFSU Meditation UK 1. maj 2020 0 1500