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After Gururaj’s death on 17 May 1988, IFSU was consolidated by his students in 1989, to continue promote his universal meditation techniques. It is a non-profit, non-sectarian organisation composed of 1000s of members. IFSU is maintained on a voluntary basis by its members. Schools exist in Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Ireland, Spain, UK and the USA. IFSU holds an extensive library of transcripts, videos and audio “Satsang” recordings of Gururaj’s teaching. Our techniques are prescribed and taught individually by qualified teachers. Regularly, in each location, we offer a several-days long retreat to our meditators. It is very easy to join us and we teach meditation to people of all backgrounds and faiths.
In 1975 Gururaj completed the business phase of his life. Together with like-minded people, he founded the International Foundation for Spiritual Unfoldment (IFSU). Within a year, 9 countries started branches to make his meditation practices available to all.
Gururaj’s health deteriorated from 1984. He managed to participate in retreats throughout his final years but his periods of good health became shorter. He died at his home in Cape Town on 17 May 1988 shortly after returning from a tour of teaching on both sides of the Atlantic.

Gururaj Ananda Philosophy
Through his teachings Gururaj wanted to show us the path, the path of unfoldment. He called his organisation the International Foundation for Spiritual Unfoldment (IFSU), as we unfold the spirit rather than develop it. The spirit resides within us, unknown and unrecognised, and meditation helps us to realise it. We do not create a spiritual force in ourselves as it is already there. It just needs activation and we begin to catch glimpses of what enlightenment is.
The goal of the spiritual path is the state of total integration, which is called enlightenment or self-realisation. The path may be long, but enlightenment comes in a flash. It is an illumination. With regular meditation we begin to catch glimpses of what the experience of enlightenment is as certain changes take place within us. Our perception changes with expansion of our awareness. As Gururaj expressed it: « You are enlightened. All the meditational and spiritual practices are just to remove the clouds that obscure the sun of enlightenment. Who wants enlightenment? Have that attitude. Just let me do what I have to do and enlightenment will come on its own. »
Today our foundation is present around the world with schools in the USA, Canada, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Ireland, France and the UK. Select a school near you, see upcoming events and get in touch with us to start meditating.