Dive into this insightful and enlightening talk where Gururaj explores the nature of freedom, integration, and spiritual growth. Learn how to overcome the illusions of bondage created by the mind and discover the boundless joy and divinity within. With practical wisdom, stories, and humor, Guruji unravels the path to unity consciousness and offers a deeper understanding of self-realization, relationships, and spiritual practices. Perfect for anyone seeking inner peace, clarity, and a greater connection to their divine essence. This video was recorded in the USA in 1982. Satsang: US 82-50 _________________________ All videos and audio tapes on this channel have meticulously been restored and remastered from the original source material using the latest AI technology. #IFSU #GururajAnandaYogi #meditation #spirituality #mindfulness #yoga #satsang #innerpeace #selfdiscovery #spiritualawakening #selfrealization #freedom #nature _________________________ Visit our website: https://ifsu.online/ Buy our ebooks: https://ifsu.online/r/c2Z Buy our audiobooks: https://ifsu.online/r/GSH YouTube: https://ifsu.online/r/jD6 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/IFSU Donations: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=Q9EZGB9YW9C6Q

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