The Sun's Vital Role | DK 85-10 | Podcast

Exploring the spiritual significance of the sun and its vital role in the solar system, Gururaj discusses its symbolic representation of God's power and the life-sustaining energy it provides. Through humorous anecdotes and thoughtful questions, he examines ancient beliefs and the contemporary understanding of the sun's centrality to life on Earth, highlighting the interconnectedness of all existence and the cosmic forces that shape our world. This session invites reflection on our relationship with the natural world and the divine essence that permeates it. This video was recorded in Denmark in 1985. Satsang: DK 85-10 _________________________ All videos and audio tapes on this channel have meticulously been restored and remastered from the original source material using the latest AI technology. #IFSU #GururajAnandaYogi #meditation #spirituality #mindfulness #satsang #innerpeace #selfdiscovery #spiritualawakening _________________________ Visit our website: Buy our e-book: YouTube: Donations:

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