Breeyana Borum 1986 This day that has begun will never end, for the beginning is the ending and the ending is the beginning” Your Preatam For many years I have written diaries, in Danish, of course. I don't really know t... 1986 Gururaj Ananda IFSU Retreats The Hayes UK 11 Mar 2021 0 1709
Breeyana Borum 1987 March 15 I got up at 5. The boys and I took the train from Gare du Midi to Oostende and from there by jetfoil to England. It was the first time in my life. What a pleasant way to travel and the crossi... 1987 Gururaj Ananda IFSU Retreats The Hayes UK 10 Mar 2021 0 1810
Breeyana Borum 1988 March I'm in The Hayes with the boys on the last course held in England, but have not this time written a diary. GURURAJ was very tired throughout the stay. We sang and participated in the Satsangs th... 1988 Gururaj Ananda IFSU Retreats The Hayes UK 9 Mar 2021 0 1673